
Treating Crew with Respect

The advice is free - use it as you see fit

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Career Tip From Ian

July 23

Everybody has to get their first job at some point. It will likely come from being in the right place at the right time. Get yourself to a yachting hot-spot and start to network.

Interview Tip From Ian

February 19

When we interview Green Crew, we want to know that you have done a bit of research into yachting. We will ask you to tell us a story that you have heard that makes you think you will like yachting (no names). Get in front of that question – start asking employed yacht crew what they have experienced aboard that they really enjoyed! Ask that follow up question too – what they have experienced that they would prefer not to go through again.

Career Tip From Ian

February 6

Don’t work for a bad boss. They set the tone, tomorrow will not be different

Career Tip From Ian

January 9

Don’t quit a job because of a bad day. Tomorrow will be different

Interview Tip From Ian

December 18

When going into an interview think of what they are seeking. If the post is for a Bosun, there is not a lot of value in your extolling how much you would love to be a Yoga Instructor. But when they ask about your hobbies, or what you do for fun – roll it out then!

Career Tip from Ian

December 15

Be a bit careful with your personal information. Agents need some personal information from you, but not really that much. When you join a yacht, you will need to bring your original documents with you – they NEED that sensitive information. The rest of the world does not. Keep your passport cover page, driver’s license, social benefits card, etc. to yourself. NEVER post them on Facebook / Instagram / Twitter etc.

CV Tip from Ian

December 13

Stop wasting your time “tweaking” your CV every day. Communicate clearly what you are bringing to the table – nobody cares if you change the color of the font….but when you find an error in that CV, change it immediately!

Career Tip from Nelly

December 11

Don’t let rejection get you down – it is part of the job hunt…both at sea and on land. We would never tell you that you are “one interview closer to your next job” – that is just fluff, but we will tell you – don’t give up. There really is another opportunity right around the corner.

Life Tip from All of Us

November 18

Life is short - get off the boat and have some fun occasionally.

New Tip from Jovana

November 15

Never put other people down. It won't make you any bigger.

Job Tip from Ian

November 13

Never stay on a dangerous boat. Get off immediately, no matter the consequence to your career

Career Tip from Ian

November 10

Yachting is world-wide…but the community is realitively small. It may be satisfying to "tell off" your current Captain / Chief / etc. but is it really worth the long term damage? When you leave a program, leave on the best terms possible. (I was on a trip - moving to November)

Career Tip from Jovana

November 8

Skills that will assist in your landing your first yacht job: show up early every day, clear eyed, smile on your face. Work long, hard, hot hours. Non-comlaining, no whining, no time spent on Instagram / FaceBook or TikTok.

Career Tip from Nelly

November 6

Is that tattoo going to show when you are in the water with the owner's kids? Think twice before getting it….and never get a tattoo when drunk.

Career Tip from Ian

November 3

Don’t work for a bad boss. They set the tone, tomorrow will not be different

Career Tip from Jovana

November 1

When you screw up, take the blame. When you are successful, share the credit.

Career Tip from Ian

October 23

You will share a cabin. Get used to being clean about your personal space.

Career Tip from Ian

October 16

Stay away from alcohol and drugs. No program has ever requested a drug-addled alcoholic, ever.

Career Tip from Ian

October 11

Deck crew have Mate and Master Tickets, Engineers have the "Y" & "SV" Tickets, Interior and Galley have guest experience letters/references. We all have paperwork to back up our skills and abilities, don't ever stop growing them.

Career Tip from Ian

October 9

Licenses matter. Classes, not so much. Listing all of the courses you have taken is not as valuable as completing the training and getting that license in hand.

Career Tip from Ian

October 6

Never stay on a dangerous boat. Get off immediately, no matter the consequence to your career.

Career Tip Irom Ian

October 4

Yachting is world-wide…but the community is realitively small. It may be satisfying to "tell off" your current Captain / Chief / etc. but is it really worth the long term damage? When you leave a program, leave on the best terms possible.

Interview / CV Tip from Ian

October 2

Never, ever lie. Not on your CV, not in the interview, not with your references. It will alaways come back and bite you on the butt.

Resume Tip from Ian

September 29

Direct tip for experienced crew: don’t worry about making your CV perfect. You are a professional Captain / Chief Engineer / Chief Stew / Chef, not a professional CV writer. Just communicate what you are bringing to the table.

Interview Tip from Ian

September 27

Don’t try to figure out your wages on a “per hour” basis. Instead, to get a realistic figure of what you are getting paid, find out what the average person in your age/culture saves as a percentage of their income back home. Look at how much you have in your pocket at the end of the contract. Divide that pocket money by the percentage…you will discover that your average Bosun makes more money than an eye surgeon.

Career Tip from Ian

September 25

Never confuse television with reality. Gilligan was not really stuck on the island, Ginger did not have hundreds of dresses, and the Professor never, ever, successfully made a radio out of a coconut in real life.

Interview Tip from Jovana

September 18

Do not forget to respond to the rejection email. Polite is professional too.

Career Tip from Jovana

September 15

Do not be afraid of making mistakes, just make sure you are learning from them and not repeating them.

Career Tip from Jovana

September 13

Emphaty: the ability to walk in other's shoes will make you a better professional too.

Career Tip from Ian

September 11, 2023

Cabins are tiny, get ready to live with little more than a backpack of your personal items.

Career Tip from Ian

September 8, 2023

When working - save your money, lean times will come.

Career Tip from Ian

September 6, 2023

Life at sea is dangerous. The rules are in place for a reason - follow them.

Career Tip From Ian

September 4, 2023

When opportunity knocks, open the door.

Career Tip From Jovana

September 1, 2023

Build the net and keep contacts. Stay in touch.

Career Tip from Jovana

August 30, 2023

When you get rejected, do not give up. There is going to be another boat.

Interview Tip from Jovana

August 28, 2023

Be yourself when job seeking, do not pretend to be something you are not.

Career Tip from Ian

August 25, 2023

Never take photos of the owners / guests without their permission - it is just rude.

Career Tip from Ian

August 23, 2023

Take a ton of pictures, your friends back home will never believe the amazing things you get to do.

Career Tip from Ian

August 21, 2023

Call your Mom every now and again…she does still worry.

Career Tip from Jovana

August 18, 2023

Promise big, deliver big.

Interview Tip From Ian

August 16, 2023

How do you negotiate wages? Do not try to figure out what everybody else earns, there is no such thing as "industry standard". Instead, add up your monthly bills, add that to the amount you need to put away each month to meet your retirement goals and then add on what you need to spend each month to enjoy your life. That is your minimum number.

Career Tip From Jovana

August 14, 2023

Looking for a job can be stresfull and frustrating. Take a deep breath and take care of your mental health.

Career Tip from Ian

August 7, 2023

Only consider applying for positions that match your qualifications. However, if a program aligns perfectly with your goals, you can apply, but make sure to indicate your interest in an alternate role if it becomes available.

Career Tip from Ian

July 20, 2023

Don’t let rejection get you down – it is part of the job hunt…both at sea and on land. We would never tell you that you are “one interview closer to your next job” – that is just fluff, but we will tell you – don’t give up. There really is another opportunity right around the corner.

Job Hunting Tip from Ian

July 4, 2023

Everybody has to get their first job at some point. It will likely come from being in the right place at the right time. Get yourself to a yachting hot-spot and start to network.

Interview Tip from Ian

June 26, 2023

When we interview Green Crew, we want to know that you have done a bit of research into yachting. We will ask you to tell us a story that you have heard that makes you think you will like yachting (no names). Get in front of that question – start asking employed yacht crew what they have experienced aboard that they really enjoyed! Ask that follow up question too – what they have experienced that they would prefer not to go through again.

Job Hunting Tip from Ian

June 25, 2023

Be a bit careful with your personal information. Agents need some personal information from you, but not really that much. When you join a yacht, you will need to bring your original documents with you – they NEED that sensitive information. The rest of the world does not. Keep your passport cover page, driver’s license, social benefits card, etc. to yourself. NEVER post them on Facebook / Instagram / Twitter etc.

Career Tip from Ian

June 24, 2023

Don’t work for a bad boss. They set the tone, tomorrow will not be different

Career Tip from Ian

June 23, 2023

Don’t quit a job because of a bad day. Tomorrow will be different

Interview Tip from Ian

June 22, 2023

When going into an interview think of what they are seeking. If the post is for a Bosun, there is not a lot of value in your extolling how much you would love to be a Yoga Instructor. But when they ask about your hobbies, or what you do for fun – roll it out then!

CV tip from Ian
Jun 21, 2023

Stop wasting your time “tweaking” your CV every day. Communicate clearly what you are bringing to the table – nobody cares if you change the color of the font….but when you find an error in that CV, change it immediately!

Interview tip from Jovana

January 19, 2023

Your interview is your first impression, never show up late. It is better to be 15 minutes early than 1 minute late.

CV tip from Ian
January 16, 2023

If you are writing your CV in English, make sure to use an English spell check, then have a friend review it as well to check the grammar and “voice” of your CV. This is your professional snapshot – not a text to your friends. Avoid jargon and abbreviations!

Expectations tip from Jovana

June 27, 2022

There is no such thing as "industry starndard". Each client sets his own conditions based on their needs and budget. When asked about financial expectations, feel free to speak up and bring precise numbers. That's how you will avoid getting offers that are payed below your expecxtations.

Interview Tip from Jovana

June 14, 2022

When describing yourself in a cover letter, in your CV or during the interview, try to avoid cliché descriptions: team player, hardworking etc. We want to learn what your specificity is, what makes you unique and what extra value you bring to the team you join.

Attitude Tip from Ian

May 23, 2022

Rejection is a part of the job hunt / interview process.  We all know it is difficult to take, but it is as real as the sea.  When  your application is rejected, put a smile on your face, keep a great attitude and move on.

CV Tip from Nelly

May 16, 2022

Consider ditching your objective if you have one.  They really are not necessary, especially if they are too specfic

Interview Tip from Ian

May 13, 2022

Sometimes you say the wrong thing. It happens, especially when we are nervous. If you need to correct yourself, just do. Don't try to create a new story around what you accidentally said.

Attitude Tip from Jovana

May 9, 2022

Reasons for leaving a certain job can be multiple. If asked about that, just be honest. Do not hide it. Sometimes things just don't work, and that is ok. But, the way you talk about it tells a lot.

Attitude Tip from Nelly

May 6, 2022

It is a good idea to be proactive when looking for a job. Going to a yachting hub like Antibes, Ft.Lauderdale, or Barcelona are great places for daywork and networking.

Reference Tip from Ian

May 2, 2022

If you have a bad reference, don't hide it. Embrace it. Admit it. Let your future employer know it is there and what you have learned from the experience.

Application Tip from Ian

April 29, 2022

Read the job description. Make sure you have all of the requirements of the position. It is important to respect your agent as much as you want them to respect you.

Reference Tip from Ian

April 25, 2022

Ask your references for permission before you pass out their names. One - it prepares them for contactac and two - you never know if they know about a good yacht looking for crew!

CV Tip from Ian

April 22, 2022

Don't lie on your CV. Ever. Once you are caught in a lie, it is impossible to believe anything else on your CV.

Interview Tip from Jovana

April 18, 2022

If you are a bit nervous, it is ok. Share that with the interviewer or make a joke out of it. Both things can help you feel better and present yourself in the best light.

CV Tip from Ian

April 15, 2022

Do not forget to add your photo to your CV. In yachting, you will likely be interviewed over the phone before you are called in for a face to face interview. The photo should be how you will appear in your interview, properly dressed, no sunglasses, no drinks in hand, no friends cut out of the photo, no selfies. Proper attire, happy face!

Interview Tip from Jovana

April 11, 2022

Whether you are having SKYPE/Zoom/Google meet, dress up properly. Avoid hats, sunglasses, sleeveless shirts, belly revealing shirts etc...

CV Tip from Ian

April 8, 2022

There is no “rule” about how long a CV should be….but the rule is “the shorter the better.” Don’t waste time being repetitious. Do not say: “I am seeking a permanent or temporary position as Deckhand on a Charter or Private yacht, Motor or Sail, around 50m bigger or smaller.” When saying “I am seeking a Deckhand position” says the exact same thing.

CV tip from Ian

April 4, 2022

If you are writing an objective in your CV, Be circumspect.  If you state you want to be on a 40m+ yacht, you may not get called for a great 39m program.

Interview tip from Jovana

April 1, 2022

During the interview, do not worry about searching for the "right" answer. Just answer honestly, be yourself.

CV tip from Ian

March 28, 2022

When outlining your qualifications, do not list every class you have ever taken. If you have the Captain 3000 Ticket, you do not need to list the Captain 500, the Chief Mate 3,000 and the OOW. Show the reader that you can communicate the important aspects concisely.

Interview tip from Jovana

March 25, 2022

If you have to reschedule or cancel the interview, do that in a timely manner. Respect other people's time.

CV tip from Ian

March 21, 2022

When outlining what you did in your previous job, edit yourself – highlight those things that you did in your last job that you will be doing in your next job. Remember, the Captain or Owner wants to see that you solve their needs.

Interview tip from Jovana

March 18, 2022

Your interview is your first impression, never show up late. It is better to be 15 minutes early than 1 minute late.

CV tip from Ian

March 14, 2022

If you are writing your CV in English, make sure to use an English spell check, then have a friend review it as well to check the grammar and “voice” of your CV. This is your professional snapshot – not a text to your friends. Avoid jargon and abbreviations!

How to write a strong Entry Level CV

So you are new to yachting – you have read everything online about what an entry level crew member will be doing onboard. You have read the blog from every expert out there who gives you advice. This is great and all….but you still have no idea how to write a CV that will get you noticed. We give you...How to write that Entry Level Yacht CV in Three Easy Steps:

1. Understand what entry level crew does onboard. Each yacht is different and the specifics will be a little different on each yacht, but there are some certainties that cross every position. As entry level crew you will be Working Long Hours (you may want to print and underline that), Working with a Small Team, Lifting Heavy Things, Working in the Hot Sun, Having Amazing Attention to Detail, Keeping a Smile on Your Face.

2.  Look at what you have done in the past (work, education, fun).

3.  Concisely outline in your previous work exactly what you physically did to show you are already experienced with Working Long Hours, Working with a Small Team, Lifting Heavy Things, Working in the Hot Sun, Having Amazing Attention to Detail, and Keeping a Smile on Your Face.

Seems crazy easy doesn’t it? It really is this simple. At the end of the day, every Captain, Mate, Chief Stew, Chief Engineer hates to recruit. They hate it. When they need to hire a new, entry level person, they want to see that you already have the skills they need – even if they have to teach you the specifics of their yacht! Show them it is you and you will see positive responses.

The Recruiting Power of a Great Job Description

As a crew agent, I work both sides of the deal. I want to find the right Candidate to fill the job, and the right job so the candidate to meets their goals. We all know the value of the Candidate clearly communicating in their CV and how that will help the employer quickly find them in the crowd of applicants, but this is only half of great recruiting.

The other half: how does an employer stand out in the crowd of jobs to attract the attention of the best possible candidates?

For doubters of this issue – look at, Career Builder, and every Crewing Agent out there. We exist because employers want to be able to meet the best possible candidates for their positions. They actually pay us for that help!

OK, I’m already getting wordy so let’s get to how an employer can stand out in the crowd to applicants.

• Know exactly what you want the employee to do.

• This sounds entirely too easy. Unfortunately many candidates are recruited with everybody assuming that the position is the exactly the same, company to company (or in my case – yacht to yacht). This is never the case. Each company, each yacht is unique. Expectations, strengths and weaknesses of existing teams, even the management style of the people in charge vary wildly from group to group. Clearly outlining what this employee will be doing (and maybe a bit of the why) attracts the candidates seeking this work.

• Understand and highlight the benefits of this position.

• This will be easiest for me to outline from a yachting perspective, so you land based folks will just have to cut me a little slack. Two equally excellent yacht programs, one that is doing a circumnavigation, the other sits in Monaco all year round are looking for a Mate to join the team. Assuming everything else is equal, the circumnavigating yacht should outline the adventurous, world-exploring aspect to attract those candidates who thrive on those experiences. The Monaco based yacht should clearly outline the benefits for somebody who wants to stay in the area, maybe able to get home to see the family occasionally. Every program has these “built in” benefits – use them to attract those candidates that see the added value. Never rely on the wages to be the benefit of the job – if you attract candidates only motivated by wages, they will leave when offered a higher salary elsewhere.

• Speaking of wages: Salary – either say it or don’t.

• How’s that for helpful? You know the value of the position. If you have a fixed wage, go ahead and publish it. No range – just the number. That makes it very easy for candidates to decide if they want to pursue a job at that wage. Using terms such as “Depends on Experience”, creates expectations that will probably be unfulfilled. All of us think the value of our work exceeds the value of others. Even worse, such vague statements may very well turn off top-tier candidates who know what they want and are not interested in being nickel and dimed. If you do not want to mention salary to leave yourself plenty of negotiating space – then don’t.

• Write the job description in the language you want the employee to use.

• Sounds like a no-brainer but bear with me. If you require somebody to clearly understand written Mandarin, write the ad in that language and all the rest of us will shoot right past it. On a more subtle note, if you use jargon – even commonly used jargon, you will most likely exclude candidates who do not quickly recognize what you think you are communicating. Also, note the style of your writing – if you are too casual, the more formal candidates will slide right past your posting, and vice versa.

• Lawyers – do not let them write the job description.

• I will give a quick nod to my Lawyer; Andrew is an amazingly valuable member of our team. Having said that if you have a Lawyer write your job description, you will end up with a document that looks like your ITunes User Agreement (I dare you to try to read that). If nobody reads your job description the chances of hooking fantastic candidates are slim. Instead, ask the immediate supervisor to outline the description – they know what the team-member needs to do and what the daily tasks are. They will also most likely be the person communicating with the employee on a daily basis – a good practice is to start that communication here. Don’t worry; you can still have your Lawyer review the description before you start recruiting. (I can’t anger Andrew too much – I’m a little afraid of him).

In other words, to attract the very best talent, communicate what you need them to do, why they will love it, don’t tease them with false promises, and don’t treat them like criminals – treat them as the high quality professionals they are.  

CV / Resume Help

Every week, a large number of people ask what makes for a great CV. Anybody who has worked with a crew agent knows that if you ask 3 different agents, you will get 5 different opinions on how to write a great CV. I’m going to skip the obvious (spell check) and the ridiculous (good quality paper). I can also tell you, you cannot make a CV that will be appreciated by everybody. If that is the kind of magic formula you are seeking - stop reading here.

 Instead, I would like to outline what makes it easy for me to sell you as crew (yes, I’m a crew agent, and selling sailors is what I do).

Your CV is a communication tool. It should clearly outline to the reader how you will solve their problems. Don’t think in terms of “let me tell you about me.” Instead think “let me tell you what I can do for you.”

When an employer puts out a call for candidates, they need something done. The better the program, the more well-defined the role they need to fill. This is key. No matter how many action verbs you use in your CV, if you do not clearly outline that you are what they need, you will not get a call.

A very quick outline for writing an effective CV:

1. Know the position you are seeking. If you cannot clearly identify what you want to do, then you cannot communicate that information to your next employer. 

2. Know what problems that position needs to solve (Captain: lead a small team to deliver the highest quality service to the guests in an environment of safest possible procedures … or … project managing a new build program from design to delivery. Same position, very different set of problems.)

3. Concisely communicate that you deliver these skills. The easiest way to show an employer you can do this is to demonstrate that you have already done it. If you have previously held the position then this part should be easy. If you are moving to a new position then you need to communicate the aspects of what you have done before that translates to what you want to do next.

4. If what you are writing does not underscore the point that you solve their problems – leave it off or de-emphasize it. Your CV is not a list of every job you have ever held. It is an honest (never, ever lie) outline of what you have done that is relevant in both time and skills.

 As you may guess – your CV should change throughout your career. As you move up the ladder, those entry level positions should get less real-estate on that paper. Don’t just keep adding jobs – tell a cohesive story.

Lastly, if you are not comfortable editing yourself or need help expressing the above – ask a professional for help. They are not cheap but they are well worth the cost. At Preferred Crew we do not offer this service – but we frequently point crew toward AdBits in Fort Lauderdale – they do a great job with crew CVs.

I hope this helps and I look forward to some great communicating CVs!


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